DunlapSLK team members volunteered to hand pack meals at Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) MobilePack event.
On May 20 thirty-six of our team members joined teams of other local volunteers to hand-pack meals at the Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) MobilePack event, held at Delaware Valley University.
Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a Minnesota-based 501c(3) charity whose mission is to feed hungry children wherever the need is most immediate. They meet their mission by distributing pre-packaged, nutritionally balanced meals in nearly 70 countries. Many of the children receiving meals struggle to have one meal per day in order to survive just one more day.
The Central Bucks County MobilePack event, run by Kevin McPoyle, President of Warrington, PA-based KMRD Partners, Inc., organizes volunteers from across the region to hand-pack meals into bags which are then sealed, boxed, placed on pallets and shipped to partners working to reach the neediest children around the world. This year’s MobilePack took place from May 16 – 20.
We’re so grateful to our awesome team members – including two of our summer interns who joined us! – for volunteering to help this worthwhile cause!