Corporate Audits
Your financial statements are a prime source of information for management, stockholders, investors, contributors, government agencies, creditors, and lenders
Before these agencies or individuals will commit their resources to your company, most will request that your financial statements be audited by independent accountants to help ensure those financial statements meet the criteria expressed above.
Our audit not only satisfies the needs of these stakeholders, it can also help you understand more about the way your business operates, and has the potential to help you improve efficiency and profitability.
During our audit we gain an understanding of your financial and operating system by examining and testing records, confirming data internally and externally, and analyzing accounting and management controls. Throughout the audit process we may also be able to offer suggestions to help your organization improve internal controls as well as operational efficiency.
Our audit team members possess all of the traits inherent in an exceptional auditor – an analytical mind, the ability to “troubleshoot,” a degree of healthy skepticism, professional judgment, and a solid understanding of the business world. They are also personable, friendly, and outgoing, which aids them in relating well with your employees during an engagement.
Committed to Quality
Our Firm is committed to providing high quality auditing, accounting, and consulting services to our clients. Our commitment to quality is evidenced by our membership in Private Companies Practice Section (PCPS), the AICPA Alliance for CPA Firms. Membership in this division is voluntary and requires strict adherence to quality control practices, such as requiring each professional staff member to obtain 120 hours of continuing education during a three-year period, and requiring the Firm to undergo a peer review by other independent CPAs every three years.
For more information about out audit services, contact Julie Davis.