Instructions for sending DunlapSLK Your Information
The following are the best ways to get your information to us:

DunlapSLK Office Drop Off
If you’re dropping documents off when our office is closed, there is a secure mailbox to the right of the front door of our office located at 1300 Horizon Drive, Suite 106, Chalfont. You may drop your information there at your convenience. When using the Drop Box, please package your item as compactly and securely as possible and be sure it falls into the bottom of the box. The box is monitored and checked daily.

Client Portal
In the bar at the top of our website at you will see a link for Client Portal. You may select the Suralink Portal or Other Client Portal, but both require that you have an existing account set up. If you’d like to set up a portal, please contact your DunlapSLK team member. If you do not have an account, the next best option is to use the File Upload feature on our Website (see instructions below).

DunlapSLK Website File Upload

US Mail
Send your information via the US Postal Service (or other delivery service such as FedEx or UPS) to our office at: 1300 Horizon Drive, Suite 106, Chalfont, PA 18914.
Please note that sending your information by US Mail will result in a slower processing time.