Employee Benefit Plan | ESOP Audits
Employee Benefit Plan |
ESOP Audits
At DunlapSLK, we are committed to achieving the highest quality audit possible. We understand the complexity of performing employee benefit plan audits and that’s why our auditors possess the specialized knowledge and experience to help ensure compliance with the appropriate standards and changes in regulations that may impact your firm’s employee benefit plan audit.
We plan and execute our audits in a way that maximizes audit efficiency and quality, and we offer your plan administrator and human resources personnel confidence in their plan reporting and management.
Our employee benefit plan audit services include:
- Pension, health and welfare, and 401(k) plans subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) under the regulatory authority of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
- 403(b) retirement plans
- Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) audits
Committed to Quality
As a member of the American Institute of CPAs Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center, we are committed to adhering to the highest quality standards by voluntarily agreeing to the Center membership requirements, which include designating a partner responsible for our employee benefit plan audit practice, establishing quality control programs, performing annual internal inspection procedures, and making our peer review report findings publicly available.
Our goal is to continue to enhance our quality initiatives within our employee benefit plan audit practice to deliver the highest quality audit services possible.
For more information about our employee benefit plan audit services, contact Karin Honeybone.